A person who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of a god is expressed.' The will of God? That men are allowed keep a harem of women like cattle in a stable? That on three repetitive echoes of a cruel word relationships can be severed? That an animal's life is less valuable than that of a human being's?
Is this the will of God that hate all who do not believe in me in the same manner as you do? Kill all those whose imagination leads them to give me a name other than the one you utter, and who believe in my existence outside the pages of a book written from back to front? Some God that!!!
God is our father, and mother... Who ever heard of a mother who sentenced her child to death if he called her mom instead of amma? Or of a father who told his son to kill his friend if he called his father 'dad' instead of 'papa'? May be there are characters like this in the Muslim folklore. Ohh... I forget. The religion itself is a comic story sneering at human values.
Their religion teaches only to get irritated, angry and to hurt themselves and others. How can such a religion bring peace to any of its followers?
How can any sensible person follow such such hatred filled autocratic dictates of a 'prophet'?
Its a good idea to make these people realize that we will not bear all they do and say in the name of their religion. They do not give us even breathing space for our religion or us, so we will also now express our skepticism about their faith. Come lets lead the ridicule as our way to object to the muslim terrorism...
very good, i think you shud post this ina famous place so that everyone can read it.